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Health Menu

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Many individuals present to our health center with chronic, degenerative, and often times debilitating health issues after having exhausted other healthcare options. It often comes as a surprise to them to discover that many of their health issues can be improved upon and in many cases, reversed by making lifestyle and dietary modifications. That's why a big part of what we do is teach people how to live with and understand their own body. Our services are designed with this in mind.


Nutritional and Naturopathic Health Assessments: We offer a variety of health assessments including Bioenergetic and frequency assessments such as ZYTO, NES, and Quantum Energetic Scans, as well as Live Blood Analysis and Tissue Mineral Analysis to assist in determining any weaknesses or imbalances in your overall health. We will work with you to help 'plug the holes' that are keeping you from experiencing optimum health.


Medical Thermography: This preventive health tool offers valuable insight into your health. Using a special infrared heat sensing camera we can detect subtle variations in temperature. This helps identify areas of inflammation (in real time), imbalances or abnormalities which can lead to early detection of conditions that would not routinely be identified using traditional imaging. Thermal breast and wellness studies are a great way to take a proactive approach to health.


​Detoxification: Our environment, medications and food choices, subject our bodies to a variety of toxins on a regular basis. These toxic exposures (some biological and some not) tend to accumulate in our body, and over time wreak havoc by accelerating tissue and organ degeneration. Our liver is designed to detoxify our body but the level of toxicity, stress, and poor quality of nutrition overwhelms this system.  By assisting the body with other methods of detoxification you are able to take the burden off the liver and keep your body functioning as optimally as possible.


Some of the detoxification methods we discuss are:

       - Targeted Nutritional Supplementation

       - Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (L.E.T.)

       - Ozone Therapy

       - Dry Salt Room Therapy

       - Massage and Myofascial therapy

       - Red Light NIR Therapy

       - Elimination Diets and Eating Plans


Myofascial Release Therapy: With over 38 years experience using this effective and valuable therapy, Dr. Wilson has created a form of myofascial therapy perfected from the techniques taught to her by her Caribbean grandmother. Release years of pain and restrictions in very few sessions and get a new lease on life.


Dry Salt Room Therapy (Halotherapy): With its origins in Europe, Dry Salt Therapy has finally made its way to this country. Discovered as a therapy in the salt mines of Europe, this therapy has proven anti-inflammatory benefits to the respiratory system as well as the skin. Benefits include improvement in bronchitis, asthma, COPD, sinus congestion, as well as helping with inflammatory skin conditions. Reduce stress at the same time with the soothing natural Himalayan salt walls delivering color therapy and reducing cortisol levels.


Massage Therapy: People of all ages use this form of therapy to relieve themselves of the effects of stress on their body from daily life, work, injuries, as well as chronic and acute health conditions. Aside from helping reduce stress, massage has been shown to reduce pain, improve circulation and lymphatic flow. It is one of the oldest healing arts, dating back 3,000 years.


Phone & virtual consultations:  We also offer phone and telehealth consultations for those individuals that would like to avail themselves of our services, but cannot make it to our office. Don't let yourself be limited by your zip code to get the help you need. 



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